SEO Tips to get higher ranking of websites

Ø       Write great content.

Ø       Write unique content.

Ø       Create a great keyword phrase.

Ø       Write an accessible site.

Ø       Use the keyword phrase in your title tag.

Ø       Use the keyword phrase in your title tag.

Ø       Use the keyword phrase in your URL.

Ø       Use your keyword phrase a lot, but not too much.

Ø       Use your keyword phrase in headlines.

Ø       Use your keyword phrase in anchor text of links.

Ø       Try to get links from reputable sites.

Ø       Keep your site live as long as possible.

Ø       Create a sitemap

Ø       Write a descriptive meta description

Ø       If you must use Flash, always include alternative text

Ø       Don't link a lot to external sites

Ø       Don't use images instead of text links

Ø       Don't misspell your keywords in your content

Ø       Don't try to optimize for more than 2-3 keywords and phrases

Ø       Don't use your keyword phrase too much

Ø       Don't have more than 10 words in your URL

Ø       Don't link to link farms

Ø       Don't create pages of links

Ø       Don't have broken links on your site

Ø       Don't use the meta refresh tag to redirect users

Ø       Don't use 302 redirects

Ø       Don't duplicate content on your site 

Ø       Don't write bad or incorrect HTML

Ø       Don't use frames

Ø       Never redirect to another domain

Ø       Don't Use Doorway Pages - Your Site Will Be Banned

Ø       Don't Cloak Websites - Your Site Will Be Banned

Ø       Never display different content to a spider than customers